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Developing Thelema into a Living Tradition

Developing Thelema into a Living Tradition

by Frater Invisibilia Solis

The evolution of Thelema into a living, real tradition represents a journey of both spiritual and organizational transformation, aiming to establish it as a recognized and respected religious system. Rooted in the visionary work of Aleister Crowley, Thelema stands at the threshold of a transformative phase, seeking to extend its mystical and philosophical roots into a more structured, globally acknowledged path. This endeavor involves not just the expansion of its esoteric teachings, but also the establishment of a comprehensive framework encompassing doctrine, community, cultural integration, and legal recognition. The proposed system of development is meticulously designed, consisting of ten key areas, each broken down into a seven-step program. These steps are crafted to ensure that Thelema grows organically while preserving its core principles, adapting to contemporary needs, and fostering a global community of practitioners.

This systematic approach to developing Thelema into a mature tradition focuses on creating a harmonious balance between its rich mystical heritage and the practical necessities of a modern religious movement. It involves deepening the theological foundations, establishing a robust organizational structure, and actively engaging in community building and outreach. The process also entails integrating Thelema into broader cultural and social landscapes, developing educational programs, and formalizing rituals and worship. Moreover, it emphasizes the importance of artistic expression, seeks legal recognition for Thelema as a legitimate religious path, and aims for global expansion and networking. Finally, it underscores the need for continuous philosophical evolution, ensuring that Thelema remains a dynamic and living tradition, relevant and responsive to the changing world. This comprehensive framework is not just a roadmap for growth; it is a testament to Thelema’s potential as a significant and enduring spiritual path in the contemporary world.

While the outlined steps for developing Thelema into a more structured and dynamic tradition could certainly be applied to enhance existing Thelemic organizations, the primary focus is on inspiring the creation of new, vibrant entities that adhere to these principles. This approach is aimed at infusing fresh energy and perspectives into the Thelemic movement, encouraging innovation and adaptability in the face of evolving spiritual landscapes. By establishing new organizations based on these guidelines, the Thelemic community can ensure a diverse and progressive representation of its philosophy and practices. These new entities, while rooted in the rich heritage of Thelema, would be geared towards engaging actively with contemporary societal dynamics, embracing modern challenges, and fostering a more inclusive and globally connected network of practitioners. This initiative isn’t just about preserving the legacy of Thelema; it’s about reimagining and revitalizing it for future generations, ensuring its relevance and vibrancy in a rapidly changing world.

1. Structured Doctrine and Theology

Step 1: Compile and Assess Current Teachings – Gather all existing Thelemic texts, including Crowley’s works, and evaluate them for core principles and beliefs. A committee could be formed to assess how Crowley’s interpretations of will and love are reflected in different texts and how they align with contemporary understanding.

Step 2: Identify Key Doctrines – Pinpoint fundamental doctrines that define Thelema, focusing on its uniqueness and philosophical depth. Focus on unique elements of Thelema, such as the concept of True Will, the Thelemic pantheon (Nuit, Hadit, Ra-Hoor-Khuit), and the emphasis on individual spiritual journey. Highlight how these differ from or intersect with other spiritual systems. Develop a concise doctrine that encapsulates the Thelemic view of the individual’s relationship with the universe and their personal journey towards discovering their True Will.

Step 3: Develop Supplementary Materials – Create new writings or commentaries that address gaps or unanswered questions in existing Thelemic literature. Address areas in Thelemic teachings that may need further explanation or modern interpretation. This might include writings on integrating Thelema with contemporary ethical issues or expanding on metaphysical concepts. Publish a series of essays on applying Thelemic principles to modern social issues, or produce annotated versions of original texts with modern commentaries.

Step 4: Establish Canonical Texts – Decide on a set of texts that will be considered canonical, serving as the official doctrine for Thelema. Decide which texts are authoritative for Thelemic practice. This could include Crowley’s writings and other works that have shaped Thelema’s development.

Step 5: Develop a Theological Framework – Create a structured theological system that explains Thelemic beliefs, ethics, and practices. Formulate a cohesive system that explains Thelemic beliefs and practices, including cosmology, ethics, rituals, and the path to spiritual enlightenment. Create a comprehensive guide that details the Thelemic cosmology, the role of magick in personal development, and guidelines for ethical conduct within the framework of Thelema.

Step 6: Peer Review – Have these doctrines and texts reviewed and critiqued by leaders and scholars within the Thelemic community. Engage Thelemic leaders, scholars, and practitioners in reviewing the new doctrines and texts for accuracy, depth, and practicality. Organize conferences or online forums where these individuals can critique and discuss the proposed texts and doctrines, ensuring they align with the core tenets of Thelema.

Step 7: Publish and Disseminate – Make the finalized doctrines and texts widely available for study and practice within the community. Make the finalized doctrines and canonical texts available to the Thelemic community and beyond. This can be through publishing books, creating online resources, or organizing study groups and lectures. Launch a dedicated website with downloadable texts, start a series of lectures or workshops explaining the new materials, and distribute printed copies through Thelemic centers and bookstores.

2. Organizational Structure

Step 1: Define Leadership Roles – Establish clear leadership roles, such as a governing council or spiritual leaders, and their responsibilities. Establish distinct roles within the Thelemic organization, such as a High Priest/Priestess, Council of Elders, or an Executive Committee. Clearly define their responsibilities, which may include spiritual guidance, organizational decision-making, and overseeing rituals and teachings. For example, the High Priest could be responsible for leading major ceremonies and representing Thelema in interfaith dialogues, while the Council of Elders might focus on resolving doctrinal disputes.

Step 2: Create Governing Bodies – Set up local, regional, and international bodies responsible for different aspects of Thelema’s administration. Set up structured bodies at various levels (local lodges, regional councils, international assemblies) to manage Thelema’s affairs. Each body should have specific roles, such as local community engagement, regional coordination, and global strategy development. For example, local lodges might organize community events and rituals, whereas an international assembly could coordinate global initiatives and publish official Thelemic teachings.

Step 3: Develop a Constitution or Charter – Write a guiding document that outlines the organizational structure and its operating principles. Draft a foundational document that outlines the organizational structure, core principles, and operational guidelines of Thelema. This charter should also address membership criteria, the role of leadership, and decision-making processes. The constitution could include sections on the philosophical basis of Thelema, guidelines for conducting rituals, and rules for electing members to leadership positions.

Step 4: Implement Communication Channels – Establish effective communication channels between different levels of the organization. Establish robust communication systems to facilitate information flow and coordination among different levels of the organization. This might include digital platforms, newsletters, and regular meetings. Develop an online portal for members to access resources, communicate with leaders, and participate in forums.

Step 5: Membership System – Create a membership system to formally recognize practitioners of Thelema. Create a formal system to recognize and register practitioners. This could involve membership tiers based on initiation levels, contributions, or involvement in the community. Implement a membership process starting with an introductory level for new adherents, progressing through various degrees of initiation and involvement.

Step 6: Legal Establishment – Register the organization legally as a religious entity where applicable. Register Thelema as a legal religious entity in various countries. Obtain official recognition as a religious nonprofit, allowing for legal benefits such as tax exemptions and formal recognition in interfaith councils. This involves complying with local laws and regulations regarding religious organizations.

Step 7: Regular Meetings and Conferences – Organize regular meetings and conferences for leadership and members to discuss and make decisions. For example, organize periodic gatherings for leaders and members to discuss developments, strategize future directions, and engage in communal decision-making; annual international conferences for leaders to plan global initiatives and regional meetings for members to engage in communal learning and networking.

3. Community Building and Outreach

Step 1: Establish Local Communities – Set up local Thelemic communities or congregations where practitioners can gather. Create local Thelemic groups or congregations in various cities or regions. These communities serve as physical spaces where practitioners can gather for rituals, study, and social interaction. Set up a Thelemic center in a city where weekly gatherings, ritual practices, and study groups can occur, providing a hub for local adherents.

Step 2: Community Services – Offer services like workshops, ceremonies, and counseling to engage community members. Offer a range of services to community members, including educational workshops on Thelemic beliefs and practices, ceremonies for significant Thelemic holidays, and counseling for spiritual development. Conduct regular workshops on understanding and implementing the concept of True Will, and provide counseling sessions for personal spiritual growth.

Step 3: Public Relations – Develop a public relations strategy to present Thelema positively to the wider public. Develop a strategy to represent Thelema positively in the media and public forums. This involves crafting a narrative that highlights Thelema’s philosophy, ethics, and community contributions. Create press releases for major events or rituals and engage with local media to provide insights into Thelemic practices and beliefs.

Step 4: Outreach Programs – Initiate outreach programs to educate others about Thelema and attract new members. Initiate programs to inform the general public about Thelema, dispel misconceptions, and attract new members. This could include open days at Thelemic centers, public talks, and introductory courses. For example, host an ‘Introduction to Thelema’ weekend with talks, Q&A sessions, and basic ritual demonstrations.

Step 5: Interfaith Collaboration – Engage in interfaith activities to build relationships with other religious groups. Attend interfaith conferences, participate in multi-faith community service projects, or organize joint events with other spiritual communities.

Step 6: Online Presence – Develop a strong online presence through a website, social media, and online forums. Develop a comprehensive online presence for Thelema through a well-designed website, active social media accounts, and online forums or discussion groups. This digital footprint can serve as a global platform for outreach and education.

Step 7: Community Events – Organize events like festivals, public rituals, and lectures to bring the community together and attract interest. Organize and host various events such as festivals celebrating Thelemic holy days, public rituals open to non-members, and lectures or talks by prominent Thelemic figures. These events can enhance community bonding and attract public interest. Hold an annual Thelemic festival with rituals, art exhibitions, talks, and performances, open to the broader community.

4. Cultural and Social Integration

Step 1: Identify Common Ground – Find areas where Thelemic values align with broader societal and cultural values. Explore and highlight areas where Thelemic values, such as individual freedom, self-discovery, and personal sovereignty, resonate with widely-held societal and cultural values. This approach helps in building bridges with the broader community.

Step 2: Participate in Cultural Activities – Engage in cultural events, art exhibitions, and public forums to showcase Thelemic perspectives. Actively engage in cultural events like art exhibitions, literary festivals, and public forums. Use these platforms to present Thelemic perspectives, especially focusing on Thelema’s rich artistic and literary heritage. For example: Actively engage in cultural events like art exhibitions, literary festivals, and public forums. Use these platforms to present Thelemic perspectives, especially focusing on Thelema’s rich artistic and literary heritage.

Step 3: Develop Social Initiatives – Create initiatives that address social issues, aligning with Thelemic ethics and philosophy. Create programs or initiatives that address current social issues, aligning these efforts with Thelemic principles of individuality, responsibility, and ethical conduct. Launch a community outreach program focused on personal empowerment and self-realization, which are central to Thelemic ethics.

Step 4: Collaborate with Educational Institutions – Partner with schools and universities for lectures or courses on Thelema and its cultural significance. Establish partnerships with schools, colleges, and universities to offer lectures, workshops, or courses that educate about Thelema, its history, philosophy, and cultural impact. Develop a university course or lecture series on Thelemic philosophy and its influence on modern spirituality and culture.

Step 5: Media Representation – Seek representation in various media forms to broaden public understanding of Thelema. Seek opportunities for representation in various media forms, including television, radio, podcasts, and online platforms, to spread awareness and understanding of Thelema. Participate in documentary projects or podcasts discussing Thelemic beliefs, or contribute articles to publications on contemporary spirituality.

Step 6: Celebrate Diversity – Embrace and celebrate the diversity within Thelemic practices and its community. Embrace the diversity within Thelemic practices and its community. Highlight the inclusive nature of Thelema, which welcomes individuals from various backgrounds and walks of life. Host a Thelemic festival that celebrates diverse expressions of Thelema, featuring rituals, music, and art from different cultural interpretations.

Step 7: Regular Public Dialogues – Host public dialogues or debates on relevant social and cultural issues from a Thelemic perspective. Organize public dialogues, discussions, or debates on relevant social, ethical, and cultural issues from a Thelemic perspective. This can foster greater public engagement and understanding of Thelema. For example: Host a public debate or panel discussion on topics like individual freedom versus social responsibility, examining these issues through a Thelemic lens.

5. Educational Programs

Step 1: Curriculum Development – Develop a structured curriculum covering Thelemic philosophy, history, and practices. Create a well-structured educational curriculum that encompasses the key aspects of Thelemic philosophy, its historical development, and practical applications, including ritualistic practices and ethical guidelines. Design a series of courses ranging from introductory topics on Thelemic beliefs to advanced studies in Thelemic magick and ritual practices.

Step 2: Training Instructors – Train knowledgeable individuals to teach Thelemic courses and workshops. Identify and train knowledgeable individuals who can effectively teach Thelemic courses and workshops. These instructors should not only be well-versed in Thelemic teachings but also skilled in educational methods. Organize instructor training programs that include both Thelemic studies and pedagogical techniques to ensure effective teaching.

Step 3: Establish Educational Centers – Set up schools or educational centers dedicated to Thelemic studies. Set up dedicated schools or centers that specialize in Thelemic education. These institutions would offer a range of courses and serve as hubs for Thelemic learning and practice. Found a Thelemic Academy offering a comprehensive curriculum, with facilities for both in-person and remote learning.

Step 4: Online Courses – Offer online courses and webinars to make Thelemic education accessible globally. Develop and offer online courses and webinars to make Thelemic education accessible to a global audience. This step addresses the need for flexible and widespread access to Thelemic teachings.

Step 5: Certification Programs – Implement certification programs for practitioners who complete educational courses. These could then help spread the doctrine, having established a solid basis of understanding in their training. Offer a certified Thelemic Practitioner program, which includes rigorous training and assessment, qualifying graduates to teach or lead Thelemic communities.

Step 6: Academic Research – Encourage academic research in Thelema to deepen understanding and legitimacy. Encourage and support scholarly research in Thelemic studies to deepen understanding, contribute to academic discourse, and increase the legitimacy of Thelema in the academic community. Establish grants or fellowships for academic research in Thelemic philosophy, history, or comparative religion studies.

Step 7: Public Lectures and Seminars – Host public lectures and seminars to educate the broader public about Thelema. Host a lecture series featuring renowned Thelemic scholars and practitioners, covering topics from the basics of Thelemic belief to its role in contemporary spirituality.

6. Ritual and Worship Formalization

Step 1: Document Existing Rituals – Collect and compile a comprehensive record of existing Thelemic rituals, including both commonly practiced and lesser-known ceremonies. This documentation should include detailed descriptions of the ritual procedures, symbolic meanings, and historical origins.

Step 2: Standardize Core Rituals – Develop a standardized format for essential Thelemic rituals to ensure consistency in practice across various groups and regions. This standardization should respect the original intent of the rituals while allowing for some degree of contextual adaptation. For example: Establish a guideline for conducting the Gnostic Mass that outlines the core elements and sequences, ensuring uniformity in its performance globally.

Step 3: Ritual Training – Train practitioners in the proper performance of rituals. Provide training programs for practitioners to learn the correct and effective performance of Thelemic rituals. This training should cover both the practical aspects and the deeper symbolic meanings of the rituals. Organize workshops or retreats where experienced ritualists teach the execution, symbolism, and energy work involved in Thelemic ceremonial practices.

Step 4: Develop New Rituals – Create new rituals that address the evolving needs of the community. Create new rituals that resonate with the evolving spiritual and practical needs of the Thelemic community. These rituals could address contemporary issues, seasonal celebrations, or specific communal needs.

Step 5: Ritual Manuals – Publish manuals and guides for performing Thelemic rituals. Publish comprehensive manuals and guides that provide clear instructions on performing Thelemic rituals. These resources should be accessible to practitioners of various skill levels. Release a series of illustrated ritual guides, each focusing on different aspects of Thelemic practice, from basic daily rituals to more complex ceremonial workings.

Step 6: Review and Adaptation – Regularly review and adapt rituals to ensure they remain relevant and meaningful. Regularly review and update Thelemic rituals to ensure they remain relevant, meaningful, and effective. This process should involve feedback from practitioners and consider cultural and societal changes. For example: Convene a biennial council of experienced Thelemic ritualists to assess and possibly revise existing rituals, ensuring they align with current communal values and insights.

Step 7: Ritual Gatherings – Organize large-scale ritual gatherings for communal worship and celebration. Organize large-scale gatherings where Thelemic rituals are performed for communal worship, celebration, and spiritual connection. These events can serve as significant occasions for communal bonding and spiritual rejuvenation. For example: Host an annual Thelemic festival featuring group rituals, such as a grand performance of the Gnostic Mass, along with workshops, talks, and social activities.

7. Literature and Artistic Expression

Step 1: Encourage Creative Expression – Create a supportive environment that inspires practitioners to engage in artistic endeavors, such as painting, writing, music, and other forms of art that embody Thelemic themes and values. Launch a community platform or forum where Thelemic artists can share their work, receive feedback, and collaborate with others.

Step 2: Showcase Thelemic Art – Organize exhibitions, performances, and readings of Thelemic artistic works. Organize exhibitions, performances, and literary readings that display and celebrate Thelemic art. These events can help to bring Thelemic philosophy to a wider audience through creative expression. Host an annual Thelemic art festival featuring galleries, live music, and readings of Thelemic literature.

Step 3: Publish Thelemic Literature – Support the publication of books, poems, and texts that reflect Thelemic philosophy. Support the publication and distribution of Thelemic literary works, including books, poems, and texts that reflect and explore Thelemic philosophy and spirituality. Establish a publishing house dedicated to Thelemic authors, or collaborate with existing publishers to release Thelemic literary works.

Step 4: Collaborate with Artists – Engage in partnerships with artists, writers, and musicians to create new works inspired by Thelema, fostering a fusion of Thelemic concepts with diverse artistic expressions. Sponsor a collaborative project where artists from various disciplines create a multimedia exhibit based on Thelemic symbols and teachings.

Step 5: Artistic Contests and Awards – Host contests and awards to recognize outstanding Thelemic artistic contributions. Host contests and awards to recognize and honor outstanding contributions in Thelemic art. These events can motivate artists and bring attention to the rich artistic culture within Thelema. Organize an annual competition for Thelemic artists, with categories like visual art, literature, and music, offering awards and exhibitions for winners.

Step 6: Document Thelemic Art and Cultural History – Document the history and evolution of Thelemic art/culture and its impact. Compile and preserve the history and development of Thelemic art and culture, highlighting its influence and evolution over time. Produce a documentary or write a comprehensive book tracing the history of Thelemic art, including interviews with key artists and analysis of significant works.

Step 7: Art Education – Offer classes and workshops on creating art inspired by Thelemic principles. The contribution to other fields like art from a Thelemic perspective. Offer educational programs and workshops focused on creating art inspired by Thelemic principles. These can include practical art-making sessions as well as theoretical studies on the integration of Thelema into various art forms. Conduct workshops on Thelemic symbolism in visual arts or a series of classes on writing Thelemic-inspired poetry and prose.

8. Legal Recognition

Step 1: Research Legal Requirements – Investigate the specific legal criteria for religious recognition in various countries and regions. This research should cover aspects such as required documentation, criteria for being classified as a religion, and any regional differences in the law. Compile a comprehensive report on legal standards for religious recognition in different countries, focusing on where Thelemic communities are most active.

Step 2: Prepare Documentation – Prepare necessary documents, such as statements of belief, governance structures, and community benefits. Gather and prepare all necessary documentation that supports the application for legal recognition. This includes formal statements of Thelemic beliefs, evidence of a governance structure, and proof of community benefits and charitable activities. Create a dossier including Thelema’s core doctrines, a description of its organizational structure, and records of community service or public benefit activities.

Step 3: Legal Consultation – Consult with legal experts specializing in religious law. Engage with legal experts who specialize in religious law to ensure that all aspects of the application meet the legal requirements. These experts can provide valuable advice on the process and potential challenges.Retain a law firm with experience in religious organization law to review and advise on the application materials.

Step 4: Application Submission – Submit applications for legal recognition to appropriate governmental bodies. Submit the complete application for legal recognition to the appropriate governmental bodies or agencies in each region. This process may vary depending on the local legal framework. File applications with the relevant departments or ministries of religion or internal affairs in the countries where Thelema seeks recognition.

Step 5: Address Legal Challenges – Address any legal challenges or requirements that arise during the application process. Respond to any legal challenges, queries, or additional requirements that arise during the review of the application. This may involve providing further documentation or clarification of Thelemic practices and beliefs.

Step 6: Maintain Compliance – Ensure ongoing compliance with legal requirements for recognized religious organizations. Once recognized, continuously ensure that Thelemic organizations comply with legal requirements for recognized religious entities. This includes adherence to financial regulations, governance standards, and reporting obligations. Conduct regular internal audits and reviews to ensure ongoing compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

Step 7: Advocacy – Participate in advocacy efforts to support religious freedom and the recognition of new religious movements like Thelema. This can involve lobbying, public campaigns, and collaboration with other religious freedom organizations. Join coalitions or networks advocating for religious freedom, and participate in campaigns or legal actions that support the rights of minority religions.

9. Global Expansion and Networking

Step 1: Identify Potential Regions – Conduct research to identify regions and countries where Thelema could find a receptive audience. This involves understanding local cultural and spiritual landscapes, openness to new religious movements, and existing interest in similar philosophies. Perform a global survey or analysis to identify areas with a high concentration of interest in esoteric and occult traditions, which might be fertile ground for Thelemic teachings.

Step 2: Cultural Adaptation – Respectfully adapt Thelemic teachings to align with different cultural contexts, ensuring that the core principles of Thelema are preserved while being sensitive to local traditions and beliefs. Modify ritual practices to incorporate local symbols or traditions, provided they align with Thelemic principles, to make them more accessible and relevant to different cultures.

Step 3: Establish International Contacts – Build relationships with individuals, groups, and organizations worldwide that express interest in Thelema. This can involve networking, attending events, or direct outreach. Create a global outreach team dedicated to establishing and maintaining contacts with interested parties and potential Thelemic practitioners around the world.

Step 4: Participate in Global Forums – Actively engage in international religious, spiritual, and esoteric conferences and forums. Participation in these events can raise awareness of Thelema and build connections with other spiritual traditions. Attend and present at global conferences like the Parliament of the World’s Religions, offering insights into Thelemic philosophy and practices.

Step 5: Set Up International Chapters – Establish Thelemic chapters, lodges, or centers in different countries. These local hubs can serve as centers for teaching, ritual practice, and community building. Open Thelemic centers in key cities around the world, offering regular meetings, rituals, and educational programs.

Step 6: Cross-Cultural Exchanges – Facilitate cultural and spiritual exchanges among Thelemic practitioners from different regions. This can involve exchange programs, international gatherings, or shared projects. Organize an international Thelemic exchange program where practitioners can visit and learn from different Thelemic communities around the globe.

Step 7: Global Online Community – Develop a robust online platform that serves as a global community hub for Thelemic practitioners. This platform can offer forums, educational resources, and opportunities for virtual gatherings. Launch a comprehensive online portal featuring discussion forums, digital libraries of Thelemic texts, and virtual ritual and study groups.

10. Philosophical Evolution

Step 1: Ongoing Philosophical Dialogue – Create forums and platforms where practitioners and scholars can discuss, debate, and explore evolving aspects of Thelemic philosophy. These discussions should be open, allowing for diverse perspectives within the Thelemic community. Set up online forums and organize regular symposiums or discussion groups focused on contemporary interpretations and applications of Thelemic philosophy.

Step 2: Incorporate Contemporary Thought – Integrate relevant ideas from modern philosophy, science, and ethics into Thelemic teachings. This step ensures that Thelema remains relevant and informed by current understanding and knowledge. Host a series of talks or workshops where experts in fields like quantum physics, psychology, and modern ethics discuss their disciplines in relation to Thelemic concepts.

Step 3: Address Modern Challenges – Adapt and apply Thelemic teachings to address current social, technological, and environmental challenges. This involves interpreting Thelemic principles in ways that are meaningful and practical in today’s world. Develop initiatives or community projects that apply Thelemic ethics to issues like climate change, digital privacy, or social justice.

Step 4: Encourage Scholarly Work – Promote and support academic and scholarly work that explores, critiques, and expands upon Thelemic philosophy. This includes research, publications, and academic conferences. Provide grants or sponsorships for researchers working on Thelema-related topics and encourage the publication of their findings in academic journals.

Step 5: Feedback Mechanisms – Establish processes for community members to provide feedback on philosophical developments and interpretations. This ensures that the evolution of Thelema is participatory and reflective of its diverse community. Implement a system where practitioners can submit their thoughts or critiques on recent philosophical discussions or publications, either online or through local chapters.

Step 6: Publish Evolving Literature – Regularly publish and disseminate literature that reflects the ongoing evolution of Thelemic thought. This can include journals, books, and online articles. Release an annual journal featuring articles, essays, and studies on contemporary Thelemic philosophy and its application in modern contexts.

Step 7: Balance Tradition and Innovation – Strive to find a harmonious balance between preserving the core teachings of Thelema and embracing new, progressive ideas. This balance is crucial for maintaining the integrity of Thelema while allowing for growth and adaptation. Form a council of Thelemic elders and newer members to review and discuss proposed philosophical changes or additions, ensuring they align with traditional Thelemic principles while also considering innovative perspectives.


In conclusion, the journey towards developing Thelema into a mature, recognized, and vibrant spiritual tradition is a multifaceted endeavor, requiring dedication, innovation, and collaborative effort. By following the outlined steps in areas like doctrine development, organizational structuring, community engagement, and more, both existing and new Thelemic organizations have the opportunity to deepen their roots and expand their reach. This approach is not just about preserving the profound teachings of Aleister Crowley; it’s about evolving them in a way that resonates with contemporary seekers and contributes meaningfully to the global tapestry of spiritual traditions. As Thelema grows and adapts through these initiatives, it promises to offer a unique and enriching path for spiritual exploration and fulfillment, well-suited to the needs and aspirations of modern practitioners. The future of Thelema, shaped by these efforts, holds the potential to be as luminous and transformative as the guiding principles upon which it was founded.

10 thoughts on “Developing Thelema into a Living Tradition

  1. Whoa I personally would find this restrictive , Do What Thou Will not Do What someone says you should do/say/read or think. Thelema is to remove restrictions not quantify them for some one else to critique . May be I have just spent to much time alone but Thelema is my way of life not my religion. A lot of good thoughts but ? 93s

  2. William Manzie has a point. Although, whoever he is, he will probably disagree at least in part with anything I write. Thelema is not just another religion to be made into another set of rules and a belief trap, restricting rather than freeing “believers” from absurd and irrational beliefs. The Caliphate and others have been doing their best to turn Thelema into another religion, another cult, to be controlled and restrictive. Most everyone I encountered directly and indirectly for the past 70 years or so seems to be determined to put Thelema in a tight little box so that it can be controlled rather than allow it to be free and grow into something more than another set of beliefs, a system of do’s and don’ts, missing the point. One of the reasons I have been so silent for so long. What’s the point? No one listens. No one thinks for themselves. No one can get real about Thelema. No one can get past their childish and barbaric upbringing in whatever religion they were brought up in, while some follow the same old pattern of their parents, or believe they are rebelling against them while just saying, thinking and doing the same old things but with an apparently different language, condemning themselves and the rest of society to make the same old mistakes. Too many are trapped in a fantasy that they cannot escape from, looking for like-minded followers in a one-way-only system as they think more believers like them will validate their belief in the “new religion”. Everyone seems to want to tame the great wild beast that is Thelema or embrace any form of chaos that has nothing to do with Thelema and call it by that name.

    Thelema is not a simple religion to be tamed and used as a beast of burden to carry another cult dictator and his entranced following into his personal ego-inflated and/or money-making idea of heaven. It is much more sublime. But why am I saying anything? Too many have been conditioned to believe as they have been told to believe, thinking themselves superior to Christians, for example, because they have been conditioned to believe what their cult leaders tell them to believe. I remember reading what someone on a Caliphate fan site that went something like this: “G.M.Kelly. I have never read anything he has written, and I never will read anything he writes because he is a horrible person!” Begging the question: If this devoted Caliphate person, like so many mindless religious and cult followers, has never read what I’ve written and never will, how does he know that I’m a horrible person? The only answer is: Because his cult leader told him to believe that I am a horrible person and he has taken it to be true on mindless FAITH alone while his cult leader collects his fees and dues. With people like this, society is doomed.

  3. I have the feeling this is what the agenda was like, in its intent, for the 382 Council of Rome, and it’s interesting now to see a similar impulse from the other side of history.

  4. Was it my name or William Manzie’s that caused you to decide not to publish my reply? Which of us do you unreasonably hate the most? No one else posted much of a comment to Mr. Manzie’s post … or did they try to? Careful. You don’t want this to become another fan site like LAShTAL. And here I went, broke my own rule and encouraged people to check out some of the articles on Just as well, I suppose. Self-proclaimed “Thelemites” have a bad habit of not listening or thinking. Seems most of them have become just another herd of sheep going wherever a barking dog leads them. How very disappointing. I thought the Thelemic Union was better than that.

  5. 220,1:50.
    There is a word to say about the Hierophantic
    task. Behold! there are three ordeals in
    one, and it may be given in three ways.
    The gross must pass through fire; let the
    fine be tried in intellect, and the
    lofty chosen ones in the highest; Thus
    ye have star & star, system & system;
    let not one know well the other!

    Time will show this generation a wonder of wonders, for the old brilliant Magick shall creep gradually back into the cities of men, as the pharaoh’s mummy returning through the power of sorcery. These children shall see society transformed utterly, for the old is already being set in its grave. Cling not to false idols, such as respect and even goodness! To be respected of the old time is to be rejected by the new. To be good by Victoria’s standards, or even Roosevelt’s, is to be evil by way of the revelations of Aiwass.
    Now let it be understood that this evil is but a word to signify a lack of wholeness in the individual, as to the outer and the inner. There is no law beyond Do What Thou Wilt.

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