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Strength, Virtue, and the Man of Earth

Strength, Virtue, and the Man of Earth

by Frater Entelecheia “In The Book of the Law this is implied throughout. The True Will of every Free Man is essentially noble.”—Aleister Crowley, “Antecedents of Thelema” When Crowley talks about discovering and doing your true will, he tends to talk about it in terms of formulating and acting out a

The End of Liberal Thelema: A Eulogy

by Brother Sol-Om-On Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. For, in True Things, all are but images one of another; man is but a map of the universe, and Society is but the same on a larger scale.Aleister Crowley, Liber CXCIV The world is in turmoil. Political upheaval

Heteronormativity and Gender Essentialism in Thelemic Ritual and Communities

by Marco Visconti Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. The last few weeks have seen the Thelemic community shaking even more than the usual: in a stunningly reactionary and gender essentialist move by O.T.O., non-binary individuals are now no longer allowed to perform as Priest or Priestess

Wasserman’s lecture “Roots of OTO in Crusades” & Ahistorical Islamophobia

by Frater πανταχού παρούσα κουκουβάγια Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Jim Wasserman is a IX° OTO and arguably their most public figure, except perhaps Lon Milo DuQuette. Wasserman has appeared on the Discovery Channel, on George Noory's Coast to Coast, in New Dawn magazine, and

Aleister Crowley’s Sex Magick: Gnostic Mass, ZRO, Samadhi, and the Supreme Secret of OTO

Aleister Crowley's Sex Magick: Gnostic Mass, ZRO, Samadhi, and the Supreme Secret of OTO

by Hasan i-Sabah Aleister Crowley's Sex Magick: Looking at "Atlantis" Part of Aleister Crowley's infamous reputation comes from his involvement in sex magick, including his knowledge of the Ninth Degree or Supreme Secret of Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO). Now the O.T.O. is in possession of one supreme secret. The whole of its system

Liber Oz Fest 2018: Address from Lon Milo DuQuette

by Lon Milo DuQuette Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. I’d first like to thank Sister Jen, Knights Templar Oasis, and everyone at Liber OZ Fest for inviting me to be part of the activities this weekend. I bring greetings from St. Constance of the Well, Our Lady

The Imprimātur of A∴A∴

The Imprimātur of A∴A∴

by Alan Willms Imprimātur is Latin for “let it be printed”. The term has been widely used by the Catholic Church in two senses: a) in old times, for authorizing the publication of a book, otherwise to be censored; b) in modern times, as an endorsement of the contents of a book, stating they

Charity in Thelema: Contributing to the Greater Community

Charity in Thelema: Contributing to the Greater Community

by IAO131 Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Prologue Before even beginning to discuss the extent that contributing to the greater community is part of Thelema, it should be acknowledged that the “alpha and omega” of Thelema is Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the

The Bonfire of the Thelemites: A Perspective on Duplexity

The Bonfire of the Thelemites: A Perspective on Duplexity

By Shin Melitodes [For the sake of full disclosure I would like to explain that I did my MA with Keith at the University of Amsterdam. I had some limited friendly interaction with him, and although we were not particular friends, I have no personal grudge against him, nor could
